" brutally" Example Sentences
1. The prisoners were brutally beaten by the guards.
2. The dictator ruled the country with a brutal and oppressive fist.
3. She was brutally honest with her opinion of the article.
4. The candidate was brutally criticized for his lack of policies.
5. Their army brutally crushed the rebel forces.
6. The boxer brutally pummeled his opponent in the ring.
7. The critics brutally attacked the movie for being lazy and unoriginal.
8. My hopes and dreams were brutally shattered by the news.
9. The dog was brutally attacked by a wild animal in the forest.
10. The lion brutally killed the gazelle in the deadly struggle for survival.
11. The terrorists brutally murdered the hostages for political gain.
12. The police brutally suppressed the peaceful protestors.
13. He was brutally honest about his shortcomings.
14. The weather brutally exposed the hikers to the harsh elements.
15. The cold temperatures brutally punished the crops in the field.
16. She was brutally frank in her criticism of his performance.
17. The truth of the matter was brutally laid out before him.
18. Their lives were brutally disrupted by the natural disaster.
19. The foreign invaders brutally pillaged the defenseless villages.
20. The inexperienced hikers were brutally unprepared for the journey.
21. The widow was brutally cheated out of her husband's inheritance.
22. Their hopes were brutally dashed by the jury's verdict.
23. His manager brutally criticized his performance after the game.
24. The impatient parent brutally berated the underperforming child.
25. The bitter rivals brutally slandered each other during the debate.
26. Her self-esteem was brutally damaged by years of verbal abuse.
27. The groundskeeper brutally attacked the sleeping raccoons in the shrubs.
28. His brutal honesty sometimes came across as rudeness.
29. Their crops were brutally destroyed by the untimely frost.
30. The photographer brutally captured the grim reality of the slums.
31. She was brutally honest about her opinion of the manuscript.
32. The mugger brutally punched the old man then stole his wallet.
33. The novel brutally exposed the harsh truths of small-town life.
34. The boxer brutally pummeled his opponent until he lost consciousness.
35. The harsh review brutally criticized every aspect of the film.
36. The general brutally punished the troops for their failure.
37. The author brutally exposed the corruption and greed of politicians.
38. His frank comments brutally exposed her deficiencies as a teacher.
39. The car crash brutally disfigured the young woman's face.
40. The recent events have brutally exposed the weakness of their relationship.
41. Her hangover brutally punished her for overindulging the night before.
42. The tornado brutally destroyed everything in its path.
43. The coach brutally criticized his players after their embarrassing loss.
44. The scammer brutally took advantage of the elderly woman's naivete.
45. The critic brutally tore apart the book's plot and character development.
46. The rough seas brutally tossed the small boat about.
47. Her father brutally beat her for coming home late.
48. The reporter brutally exposed the political candidate's lies and corruption.
49. The rival gang brutally ambushed them in the dark alleyway.
50. TheElements brutally punished those lost in the wilderness.
51. He brutally lashed out at his critics with mean-spirited comments.
52. Thescalpel brutally sliced open the patient during surgery.
53. The car accident brutally killed both passengers instantly.
54. The bitter divorce brutally tore apart their once happy family.
55. The recessionbrutally devastated savings and retirement accounts.
56. The rival's comments brutally slandered his character and reputation.
57. The disease brutally attacks the immune system.
58. The Internet trolls brutally mocked her public speech.
59. The unforgiving desert brutally punished those unprepared to survive.
60. The truth brutally exposed her lie and deceit.
Common Phases
1. brutally honest - Not caring if others are offended, saying exactly what you think
2. brutally frank - Making remarks and expressing opinions in an honest and direct manner, without concern for other people's feelings.
3. brutally attacked - Attacked with extreme violence and cruelty.
4. brutally beaten - Beaten harshly and severely.
5. brutally murdered - Killed with excessive violence and savagery.
6. brutally punished - Punished with extreme harshness and cruelty.
7. brutally criticize- criticize severely and harshly.
8. brutally exposed - Revealed or disclosed in a very harsh and unsympathetic way.
9. brutally suppressed - Put down forcefully and oppressively.
10. brutally destroyed - Demolished or wrecked with extreme violence.
11. brutally damaged - Harmed severely and seriously.
12. brutally disrupted - Interrupted severely and harshly.
13. brutally cheated - Defrauded severely and unfairly.
14. brutally honest feedback - Feedback that is direct and truthful, without softening or editing.
15. brutally ripped apart - Criticized harshly and severely, leaving nothing remaining.